Thursday, April 7, 2016

Question for the team

Hi Team,

In Weeks 10 and 11 students will explore and decide on a topic for their final presentations. For levels other than A0, the topics should be ESP related.

How can we help students with choosing the topic?


  1. Thank you Oybek for your question.

  2. 1. Show them previous examples
    2. Simplify their majors
    3. give them topic choices
    4. How to do instruction guide ??
    5. A Subject that has lots of sub topics

  3. 1- use mind-map to storm for ideas
    2- short group activities to discover their hobbies and interest
    3- google it
    4- having a class discussion - setting class in a U shape and writing ideas down on the board
    5- sometimes students choose a big topic in their major and it needs to be narrowed down.
    6- Showing students how to research online looking for a topic. Some students do not know how.

  4. How to choose a final topic for your final presentation?
