Friday, April 1, 2016

Building students confidence

presentation contest Semester 1 -2015-2016

" if you tell me I will forget, 
if you show me I will remember,
 but if you involve me I will learn."

Preparing students to give presentations  is a goal we focused on since the start of  this intensive English program in 2010 . It is a skill we in the program think of seriously and we continue developing and learning.

We also document the  best students presentations through out the program, and we shared them online for students and teachers  to watch and to be inspired by. We believe that it can be done, and we believe that students can learn to do it.

Presenting  is a skill that needs preparation and practice. It help build students confidence, and after all it is a 6 month intensive English program. We need to help students overcome the fear of standing up and presenting in English. We think five month is enough time to do the job.

Here are some links to students presentations in the program (2010 -2015) :

The secret is how to coach students step by step to go  through the process. It does not happen over night and no one has a magic stick. There must be a plan and time schedule to make sure we are all on the page and that we are working together to achieve a common objective on time.

Not all students are going to perform the same, some do fine, some will struggle, others will resist, because they are shy and never trained for it before, But we need to work  together to help students over come their fear. It is said that nine thirds  of educations is encouragement. Break the skill into simple steps and encourage them along the way. Let them choose a topic they like.

We  should not criticize students while they are giving presentations. We  should not over criticize students after they deliver their presentations. We should  not let anyone make fun of students while  practicing and presenting. We need to make sure the whole class clap and cheers at the end of each presentation. we need to create a fun comfortable positive classroom atmosphere so that no one is afraid to stand up and present and that all students support each other and work as a team. Positive feedback is constructive, but negative feedback can be destructive.

We can not force students to give excellent presentations, but we can show them how by  supporting ,coaching , engaging  and encouraging them everyday. It is a continuous process. The process is more important than the final product. Not all the students will give an excellent presentation, but all have to try their best and go through the process.

Check out the link -  students program blog on presentations:

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