Saturday, February 18, 2017

The old team left and the new team is here.

the new group

This semester, we are starting with a new group of teachers and a new company. We will be working together in the curriculum kitchen. Things are moving so fast and the new teachers have a lot on their plate, it will take some time to get all the new teachers on this blog to share and add value to this blog.

photo from the program archive

We  would like to thank all the teachers in Jeddah Interlink team ( the previous partners) who contributed to this blog and to the program through sharing their classroom activities in the curriculum kitchen. All their posts are still available on this blog, but unfortunately all  the post photos were automatically removed because they were removed from authoring on this blog.

photo from the program archive
The actual text of their posts remains here ,but the photos were removed because the photos were saved on their personal google cloud and not on this blog cloud.

photo from the program archive

This blog was and is still an experiment blog, where teachers in the Jeddah TVTC intensive English program share and discuss some of their students work and classroom activities here. 

photo from the program archive

The old team and the company left the program, and now we are working with a new team and a new company. So We  had to remove all old team authors from this blog. Their work is still here but they can not add new posts here. Their posted names are also have been replaced automatically to posted by unknown. We did not know that will happen. We  thought their names will still be posted at the bottom of the post.

photo from the program archive

We really thank them for their contribution on this blog and in the program. Blogging was something new for most of them ,but they still joined the blog and shared their work here.

photo from the program archive

We are still not sure if there was a better way to deal with this change on this blog. We are thinking of a batter way as we move along.

 1- Joseph  
2- Oybek
3- Bilal
4- Imran
5- Michael
6- Shamusl
7- Raymond Kruk
8- John Truesdale
9- Ali Bashi

10- Abdullah
11- Abdullah Alkishi
12- Eyaz 

 We wish you all the best.